Beaufort scale
The Beaufort scale, the Douglas scale and some notions to assess the marine weather conditions.
Contenuti vari per la sicurezza e le curiosità del canoista
The Beaufort scale, the Douglas scale and some notions to assess the marine weather conditions.
The download contains the cards with the contents of the courses of 3rd level according to the UISP system. The contents of the course and the modalities may vary according to the location where the course takes place, the instructor, the average age of the group, etc.
The download contains the cards with the contents of the courses of 2nd level according to the UISP system. The contents of the course and the modalities may vary according to the location where the course takes place, the instructor, the average age of the group, etc.
The download contains the cards with the contents of the courses of 1st, level according to the UISP system. The contents of the course and the modalities may vary according to the location where the course takes place, the instructor, the average age of the group, etc.
Simple rules for respecting the environment in which we love to immerse ourselves.